Trademark Search

Trademark inquiry is to check whether a registered trademark meets registration requirements before the registration process, and check whether there is a same or similar trademark that has been registered. This service can significantly reduce the risk of being rejected in trademark registration, thus improve the success rate.

In recent years, with a substantial increase in trademark registrations in China, trademark inquiry is normally undertaken to avoid the same or similar trademark before the trademark is put into use.

Please entrust BOB!

Our attorneys, who is well informed of local standards required for examination, will conduct  in various categories and provide professional explanation about the possibility of registration and then provide professional advice on success rate of trademark registration.


TM registration information would be manifested on the website of CTMO 4-6  months after the application. That is to say,we might not grasp the TMs information which was under application 4-6 months before our trademark search begins.

Agents will use their practical experience to inform likelihood of success of the registration as precisely as possible. But there are cases that the opinion agents give contradicts that of the TM censor. No legal effect shall be brought to trademark search investigation.


Services Official Fee(RMB) Service Fee(RMB) TOTAL Fee(RMB) Notes
1.Trademark Search(English report)
(1) General Search (within 7 work days)— one trademark in one class
a.Chinese 400 400
b.Digital Number 400 400
c.Letters 400 400
d.Figures 1000 1000
e.Combined trademark Divided into the above-mentioned elements, search and count individually