The necessity of trademark monitoring
As everyone knows, it occurs frequently in China that a famous trademark is counterfeited by a third party to obtain illegal benefits. High-profile stands for high quality products, which has been deeply rooted in the consciousness of consumers. So as long as a well-known trademark is counterfeited, the product will be easier sold. Thus cybersquatting is very serious.
To show the tendency of imitating trademark,for instance,
It’s not just that the same subject makes plural trademark application, the subject will also commission someone else to decentralized the application → difficulty of malicious proof
Not just the company name, product name, such as cartoon characters, place names and other things which have economic values are likely to become victims.
With the development of the network, now in China it is easy to keep abreast of fashion trends in Japan. The company that has not entered the Chinese market, as well as some small and medium enterprises have become the victim objects
Apply for the trademark which the applicant discriminately registered.
Once company’s trademark is counterfeited or applied for registration in advance, and if on the condition of successful trademark registration, it is necessary to invalidate their rights which takes a lot of costs and events. It will have a huge impact on the business. Thus, it is indispensable to investigate the registration of a third party.
The uniqueness of BOB!
- monitor software+eye investigation, nothing can evade our examnination.
- Staff who is familiar with the local standard of review will submit report in Japanese → Provide documents that records degree of approximation, objections and other situation.
- low cost→To meet the monitoring requirements as much as possible and cover more trademark categories, it has been reduced to the lowest cost.
- It can also deal with the applicant’s background investigation → we could have internal discussion with IPR protection department,or we can kick off the background investigation immediately.Please count on BOB to collect trademark opposition evidence.
Trademarks detection process
※The investigation method and form of report can be decided by the customer.
Service quotation
One trademark one class一in principle:RMB1,000/year
Two trademarks (less)one class:RMB500/year
※If there are many trademarks that are applied at the same time, discount can be negotiated.